Dear Little Me, 

Stop what you're doing for a minute and just listen. Put that goddamn Polly Pocket down and take a breath because right now you have all the time in the world. I am here, in the future, to just give you some advice. 

  1. For goodness sake, please stand up for yourself. Please stop letting people walk all over you because it truly hurts. You may be little, however, you've got one hell of a roar in you. Use your voice. You will learn later on that you love expressing your opinion (even when they aren't wanted) and I wish you could've learned that sooner rather than later. 
  2. Just audition for every school show because you are going to regret it when you don't. Spoiler alert! You're actually quite talented. At the age of 17 you are going to stand in front of 80 people and you are going to make them laugh and you are going to feel incredible. Remember that feeling. 
  3. Your heart is going to break. You will spend many nights crying by yourself. I'm here to tell you that you will be ok. Do not let the world break your spirit. Do not let the world take your joy. You're going to care way too much about everything and you may think that is a bad thing, but darling, in a world with so much hate it needs your heart.
  4. Learn when to stop talking, please. You're gonna say some stupid shit - but you'll learn from it... Eventually. 
  5. When adults tell you that the friends you make in school aren't going to be the friends you have when you're 20 - I hate to say it, but they're right. You will lose friends and you are going to feel so alone. Use this time to grow in yourself. Use this time to think. One day you are going to be surrounded by people who care for you - tell them how much you love them.
  6. I am begging you to stop worrying about hiding your emotions. You feel everything so deeply and that is such a great quality to possess. For such a tiny body, you hold so much feeling. Do not be ashamed because you feel everything, embrace it. 
  7. Look, when you get to 15 and you start feeling a bit worthless and bit sad more often than you're feeling happy just fucking tell someone. You're not broken. I can promise you that. You will meet people who feel exactly the same. Kid, just go speak to someone and I'm pretty sure it will save you in the long run. 
  8. I know you enjoy being right, but for once, listen to your mother and just clean your room. You know... Tidy room, tidy mind? Trust me, it works. 
  9. You love pop music - just accept it. 
  10. School... Get some highlighters and don't do a two hour English Literature A Level exam on half an hours sleep and 7 cups of coffee. Don't do a Psychology A Level exam hungover... (spoiler alert... you pass both of them anyway). 
  11. At 17, you are still gonna be crying and you won't feel very happy in yourself. However, at 19! Oh boy, you will still be crying, but you will be crying because at that moment you feel loved. Those friends that you wished for, you will find them and they will change your life. 
  12. Appearance isn't everything - that body that you hate so much... You're going to learn to accept it. Don't dye your hair black, because you will miss the blonde.  You are going to have your hair cut at age 13 and it's gonna look shit. Just get on with it will you? 
  13. You try so hard to fit in - you were made to stand up... Mainly because you don't reach 5'3 so you literally have to stand up other wise you can't see. (On that note, you are going to think you are 5'4 for the longest time, please stop kidding yourself, you're barely 5'2)
  14. Kid, you have the worlds brightest soul - even the best of people make mistakes but it's how you handle it after is what makes you. Crying is ok. Asking for help is ok. Loving yourself is 100% definitely ok. 
  15. This is your life, your journey. You are doing just fine. Stop comparing yourself to everyone - no two snowflakes are the same. 

Dear Little Me, you have so much to see, so much to do. You are currently 20 years old and you feel like you have lived a thousand lives. You are so loved. My darling, your life is just beginning and for once you're excited. 

Jamie x

P.S you're gonna fall over a lot...


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